Welcome to the website of nursery De Koekoek Potcultures

Nursery De Koekoek Potcultures BV is a company active in the cultivation of conifers.

We are specialised in growing a wide range of conifers C2, C3 and grafted conifers C2. By culturing on a professional manner we are reaching a high quality product. The cultivation takes place on container fields. The conifers are grown in a square round pot so that the trolleys are maximal loaded.

Our aim is to deliver conifers excellent quality to serve the national and international market with a high visual quality product. Several times a year the products are pruned so that they get a heavy and bushy quality.

We have introduced a number of new varieties in the assortment.

This website is exclusively for businesses. For private sales and questions about your products, please refer to garden centers.

We are a certified MPS-A and MPS-GAP company. The qualification MPS represents most environmentally conscious cultivation.

Quality is our top priority and a visit to our company is highly appreciated. Are you interested in our assortment and curious about the possibility’s? Please let us know so that we can make an offer that fits your needs.

Our company is located in ‘t Harde and accessible from the highway A28.

De Koekoek potcultures Assortiment 2022-2023
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